Korrektur des Textes - Bis morgen [Aborigines]

  • Hallo,

    Ich muss für die Schule einen Text über die Aborigines verfassen.(auf Englisch) Da mein Englisch aber sehr schlecht ist, denke ich sind da einige Fehler.
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    In general

    The first people who migrated to the continent were the aborigines, called also aboriginal. The word “aboriginal” comes from the Europeans. The aborigines called themselves: "Yolngu" – In the north, Murri – In the east, Koori – In Southeast, Nanga – In the south, Nyungar - in southwest, and Wonghi – in the west. ßThese are the clans. The aborigines are hunter gatherers. They live in small clay houses.


    The Aborigines populated Australia for 40.000 to 50.000 years ago. [FONT=&quot]The Aborigines were original Africans. They used [/FONT]long spears, boomerangs and spear throwers (Woomera) for the hunting. Before the white men came gave it about 1 million Aborigines but 1920 only 60.000. The most aborigines died because of diseases [FONT=&quot]for example[/FONT]Influenza or the epidemiology of pox. In the 19 and 20 century it gives many massacres. In the massacres died about 30.000 aborigines and 2.000 settlers. They fight about the access of food resources. The British government wants to resolve the conflicts with Protectorates. The aborigines are forced to give up their traditional tasks of living as nomads because the British governments want to make [FONT=&quot]nuclear tests there. The aborigines adapted to the conditions of the environment very well. Chief Protectors [/FONT]get the rights to determine where aborigines live, where they work and so on. At the beginning of the 20 century, the aborigines’ Childs were released to adoption because they want to integrated and be a part of the white society.
    Human Rights

    [FONT=&quot]1850 the Aborigines [/FONT]were deprived of the right to vote. The Aborigines were restricted for example: They are not able to marry a fight person, it was forbidden to drink alcohol. 1964, the aborigines became the right to buy real estates. The discrimination ended 1975 with the “Racial Discrimination Act”.
    The Aborigines fights as soldiers in the first and Second World War.

    The live today

    Today there are about 500.000 Aborigines and they can life out of war but there are many unsolved problems: they are among the poorest in Australia; the unemployment rate is 20% this is 3 times more as in the general population. They have low education and they live expectancy is 10 years lover than the white population and the child mortality is twice so high. The crime is very high… They make for a share of less of 4% of the population 20% of all prison inmates.

    Aboriginal Dreamtime

    When we accord the myth of the aborigines, the earth was created by a rainbow-snake. The snake rummaged through the earth, so the snake creates the life. The Aborigines don’t call it dreamtime. They call it “Tjurkurroa, “Altjeringa” and “Palaneri”. The dream time is the creation of the love and harmony from animals, human, the spiritual essence and the flora and fauna. The origin of the dreamtime lies 40.000 years back. Many ceremonies of the Aborigines give them energy from the spirits, so they can continue the dreamtime. All in all is the dream time the creation of the earth.

    Danke :)

    Rächtshraibfeler sind vom Autor gewollt!!!

  • Selbst wenn ich die Sprachlichen Fehler korrigiere bleiben noch jede Menge falscher Fakten in deinem Text bestehen.

    Aborigines - Das englische Wort Bedeutet ganz allgemein "Ureinwohner" und bezieht sich auf beliebige Ureinwohner und nicht nur auf die australischen Völker. Es ist deshalb falsch von "the Aborigines" zu sprechen sondern es muss "the Australian Aborines" heißen.

    Deine Liste der Stämme ist falsch. Sie ist nicht einmal eine Liste der Stämme (es gibt zur Zeit über einhundert) sondern nur eine unvollständige Liste der regionalen Bevölkerungsgruppen. Ich meine, es gibt allein heute noch etwas über einhundert verschiedene Sprachen (auch wenn leider nur etwa 20 die nächsten 50 Jahre überleben dürften).

    Die Ureinwohner Australiens kommen nicht aus Afrika. Vermutlich hast du da etwas missverstanden, denn sie werden allgmein als Nachfahren der Menschen bezeichnet die in einer der ersten Emigrationswellen aus Afrika gekommen sind. Wenn man nach diesen Maßstäben geht dann kommen aber auch die Europäer aus Afrika. Tatsächlich deuten die genetischen Untersuchungen aber an, dass die Australischen Ureinwohner aus Südostasien eingewandert sind.

    Heutzutage sind eben nicht mehr alle Aborigines Jäger und Sammler, das war einmal.

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