Bewerbungsschreiben für ein Stipendium - Fehlerkorrektur und Kommentare!

  • Hallo, hierbei handelt es sich um ein Bewerbungsschreiben für ein Stipendium und ich würde euch sehr dankbar sein, wenn ihr mal rübergucken könntet. Besonders Kommentare sind erwünscht :)
    Ich danke im vorraus!

    My name is Christina, I am 14 years and I live in a countrified village, which is called ... . Here you know each other and you treat neighbours like your friends. Outside you are able to listen to children, how they are playing and laughing. Seldom a car gets lost here.
    At first I lived with my parents in a small flat until I became four years old. But after planning sibs we decided to move in a house which is bigger than the flat. I have one brother and one sister. With my sister Emilie, who is eight years old, and my brother Allen, who is three years old, I' m on very good terms. Of course we argue with each other sometimes but after five minutes we have forgotten and forgave everything. My mother and my father, they both have to work at least five times a week. That's why I need to stay allone with my sibs at home not seldom. But that's not a problem for neither my sibs nor me. After comming home from school I pick my little brother up from kidsgarden. Then we take a walk for looking what's going on in our village. It belongs to our daily routine to stop by my grandparents and to stay for lunch. My grandma is dear to my heart because I'm brought up by her. I love to spend my afternoon by my grandparents. When there is need to help, I lend my hand of course. I have spent a lot of great moments with my grandparents. On example they have grown their own vegetables and fruits some years ago. In my memory I hid myself with five years in their vegetable garden and nibble theirs tomatoes. I have to fess up it's a very nice memory. Today I know my grandparents are always there for me and they suppose me where they are able to. I hope I'm able to do the same for them in future because they are a very important part of my life.
    Because my sister is weak at school, we practise by order of my parents every day. But she prefers to get out of my way. She takes it amiss that I torture her with grammar, spelling and maths. All the same we both have always fun together.
    All in all I have to say there is nothing more important than my family. I know that it wouldn't work as it does, when we wouldn't be on that great terms as we are.

    I give private tutoring not only to my sister Emilie, but also to other primary-school pupils. Mainly I help in English and basics of German and Maths. Not seldom also classmates ask me for help, if there is any grammar of English, Latin or French they don't understand.
    Neighbours give me their children in trust because I get very good along with children. So I often babysit and that not without fun. In school I am paramedic for injured or sickened pupils. During a break once a week I need to take care of ill pupils with other paramedics.
    Sometimes we, paramedics, get the mobile phone with which everybody from school can reach us when an accident is happened. Besides I already last year enrolled in a cours, which educates 'Bus-Scouts', who are responsible for the safety by bus. Unfortunately the cours is able to start at first next february but all the same I think already now it's an important issue.
    In my free time I'm active in a dancing group of a dance school. I simply love dancing and as about two years ago a cheerleading squad was established I put heart and soul into it.
    Unfortunately wasn't many interested in the group. That's why the group disolved. Since then I dream of being member of a 'true' American cheerleading squad.
    But that's only one little reason I want to go abroad to the USA.
    America is known as the country of foreigner. But I don't want to be only a foreigner, I want to integrate and beeing a part of America. I want to get to know the American way of live of course but also I want to experience something new. It's that what i can feel only rudimental here: mentality, culture, whether food or sport, simply the American attitude!

    By beeing the link between America and Germany I will bring Germany nearer to America.
    I want the Americans get to know our culture, the German way of life. Movies, thriller or serials don't show the reality often. That's how the myth of America came into existence. But I think on that way a myth of Europe or Germany could also exist. So it's possible the Americans get a wrong picture of us Germans but I want to rectify facts and I'm sure I'm able to change their views in a good sense. I have a really good knowledge about German history and politics. I know what was going on here 200 years ago, 50 years ago and yesterday. I don't feel ashame of Germany's history and beeing German. History is past and I want to convey Germany's views of today. So if somebody offend me and says I'm a 'Nazi' it will be my task giving him or her the skinny on Germany.
    I'm interested in politics and history and that's why I even in school wasn't inferior to 'sehr gut' in this subjects the last two years. Besides I have an open- minded personality and that's why I am able to come towards even people I don't know.
    All in all I think I am with my enthusiasm a great embassador for Germany.
    I would really enjoy going abroad with you because your organisation seems sympathetic and I have already trust in you.

    With me I will take a part of Germany.