korrigieren? text ist auch kurz :)

  • My daughter sarah is pregnant and the father from the baby is steve but Steve left her.He does not want to have a baby .My daughter does not want to have a baby ,too.
    Steve has really loved sarah and i know he would not leave her , if she aborted the baby. But an abortion is out of question because we are Catholic.
    In my opinion both of them have the guilt. They both should more care about contraception.
    I still do not understand how a father can leave his own son?
    Maybe he does not want to have the responsibility of the baby or he was afraid of the marriage. But what should my daughter do now? Her life is ruined with 14 , she is pregnant and besides she must bring her child alone up.
    All in all steve is an irresponsable person.

    wenn jmd. kurz drüberschauen und korrigieren würde wäre es sehr nett :)
    danke schon mal im vorraus!!

  • My daughter sarah is pregnant and the father of the baby is steve but Steve left her.He does not want to have a baby .My daughter does not want to have a baby ,too.
    Steve has really loved sarah and i know he would not have left(1) her , if she had(2) aborted the baby. But an abortion is out of the question because we are Catholic.
    In my opinion both are to blame. They both should have been more careful about contraception.
    I still do not understand how a father can leave his own son?
    Maybe he does not want to have the responsibility for the baby or he was afraid of the marriage. But what shall my daughter do now? Her life is ruined with 14 , she is pregnant and besides she must bring up her child alone _.
    All in all steve is an irresponsible person.

    1 - Da er bereits verlassen hat ist das alles reine Spekulation.

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