kann jmd. nur korrigieren?

  • The person i want to characterize is steve. steve is 22 years old and the first girl he loved was sarah but he left sarah because she was pregnant. in my opinion he left her because he didn't want to have the responsibility of the baby. this becomes apparent while reading the lines ...-...
    Another option why he left sarah could be sarah's father. sarah's father had bullied him to marry her and because of this plot he could feel himself helpless.
    While reading the lines ~#ä- one could say that steve was irresponsible and that he didn't care about the future and about the contraception or one could say exact the opposite that steve was so in love with sarah and because of that they didn't care about the future and about the contraception.
    All in all i can understand Steve's situation because no one want to have a baby in the age of 16. Someone who is 16 want to enjoy his life and so steve has done the same thing : he wanted to enjoy his life , he wanted to have a new beginning.

  • The person I want to characterize is Steve. steve is 22 years old and the first girl he loved was Sarah but he left Sarah because she was pregnant. In my opinion he left her because he didn't want to have the responsibility for the baby. This becomes apparent while reading the lines ...-...
    Another possibility(1) why he left sarah could be Sarah's father. Sarah's father had bullied him into marrying her and because of this plot he could feel himself helpless(2).
    While reading the lines ~#ä- one could say that steve was irresponsible and that he didn't care about the future and about _ contraception or one could say exactly the opposite that steve was so in love with sarah and because of that they didn't care about the future and about _ contraception.
    All in all i can understand Steve's situation because no one wants to have a baby at the age of 16. Someone who is 16 wants to enjoy his life and so steve has done the same thing : he wanted to enjoy his life , he wanted to make a new beginning.

    Missing a caps key?

    1 - An option is a choice that can or cannot be made. This wouldn't fit in here.

    2 - I don't understand what you wanted to say here.

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