Englisch Referat bitte Korrektur lesen Thema Dadaismus :-/

  • Hallo, Ich halte ein Referat über den Dadaismus, da ich aber nicht irgendeine Seite aus dem Internet nehmen möchte aufgrund der vielen Fremdwörter habe ich versucht das deutsche ins englische zu übersetzen! Es wäre nett wenn mir jemand helfen könnte und meinen text so gut wie möglich korregieren würde. brauche ihn bis Freitag also noch genug Zeit zum überlegen ;)

    Danke schonmal im vorraus !

    Kleinmue ;)


    Development /Introduction

    At the 5th Feburary 1916 the „cabaret Voltair“ was founded by the artist Hugo Ball in a bar in Switzerland.

    This Cabaret was a mixture of artsalon and nightclub, in this jung artists and poets show his works to the public.

    They can recite her work or hang her picture on the wall

    from the first evening a lot of artist presents her work as Emmy Hennings, Hans Arp, Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco.

    After a few weeks it was clear that war created a new artdirection.

    What means Dada?

    The name or the word “Dada” emerged as Hugo Ball and Richard.H scrolled in a German-french Dictonary . Dada called in

    German: Slip me down puckel (rutsch mir den puckel runter)

    Französischen: Wood ( holzpferd)

    Rümänisch: you are right ( sie haben recht)

    It should be symbols the Simplicity and the new beginning of an art culture.

    What includes the Dadaism ?

    A lot of live performances mainly from Provocation and Illusion

    It has worked with all the media around the puplikum to shock.

    Art in the time from the world war I

    From the beginning of the 20th century, the art was the mirror for the crises in the western culture (Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts spiegelt die Kunst die Krise der westlichen Kulturen.)

    Before the first world war starts a lot of art styles followed each other.
    In ten years it starts by the exprssionism, about the cubeism, the futurism and the abstraction.

    It was a lot of scepsis and rejection about the dadaism.

    When World War I ended in 1918, most of the Zürich Dadaists returned to their home countries, and some began Dada activities in other cities.

    Development and End of the dadaism

    1915 Duchamp and Picabia go to America

    Tzara 1917 and the Hugo ball go separate ways.

    climax of the American Dadaism in New York: Duchamp broadcasts under the name Richard Mutt a Pissoirbecken to the Independent society of Artists

    1919 was the climax in Zurich, the last major Soiree and the end of the

    Tzara follows Duchamp and Picabia to America

    1920 the end of the Dadaism, the movement splits into two directions.
    -- direction of the new Objectivity
    -- Toward the direction of surrealism (Tristan Tzara

  • Hallo, hier einige Vorschläge...

    young artists ... showed their works... (not jung, , show)

    They had the possibility to recite

    From the first evening a lot of artist as Emmy Hennings, Hans Arp, Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco. presented their work

    After a few weeks it was clear that there was created a new artdirectio

    It has worked with all the media around to shock the publicyty.

    Art in the time of world war I

    Before the first world war began a lot of art styles followed each other.

    within In ten years it starts by the exprssionism, about the cubeism, the futurism and the abstraction.

    Within ten years tehere were expressionism, cubeism, futurism and the abstraction.

    1915 Duchamp and Picabia went to America

    ..went... ..followed.... splitted....