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    How to succeed in a job interview?

    Do you know how to succeed in a job interview?
    Last week I had my first one for an intern ship in the holidays and it wasn't very funny. I thought it wouldn't be very important to be prepared for upcoming questions or to think about my shoes. But I was wrong. The interview was awful! I didn't know what to answer when the employer asked me something about my character, my goals I want to reach and my interest in the company.
    When I was at home again, I searched in the internet and found out that a job interview isn't a thing to underestimate.
    I thought it may be the case that also other pupils don't know how to behave and what is required and I decided to told you the most important things in that article.

    By my search I got to know the following: It is very important to have eye-contact with the employer. You should take care of your language and of your facial expressions. Never interrupt the employer and please leave your chewing gum at home! It is very useful when you think about answers for the usual questions and be aware to answer in whole sentences without stumbling. You shouldn't forget about your body posture and being self-confident to convince the person of yours. It makes sense to find out a bit about the company, the history etc. to leave a good impression. A big important point is also the topic clothes. As a girl you never be allowed to wear a short rock or a revealing top. You haven't to wear chic clothes but they should be tidy. In every job it is different what is suitable. My tip: Gain information about your job, you want to apply for, for example in the internet, about the best suitable clothes, the best possible answers and the best behaviour. ;)
    I already mentioned the shoes. The shoes are a thing which is to take seriously, too. Never come to a job interview with dirty shoes!
    Of course you will be excited before and also during the interview, because it decides if you get the job or not. But try to stay calm and be yourself. Be open, tell them about yourself and show them the best side of yours.
    I know this sounds very difficult and nearly impossible but believe me, it works.

    Two days after my first job interview I had another one for an other company. I was well-prepared because at this time I knew what to care about. I was excited the whole time because of my bad experiences and I concentrated on avoiding the same mistakes than before. I knew what to talk about because I knew the upcoming questions and everything went alright.
    Yesterday I got a call of the company and... I have the permission to do my intern ship there!! :)

    Everything I want to say at the end: Be prepared. Be well-prepared and you have high chances to get the job! ;)