Könnt ihr vllt mal drüber gucken?

  • Das ist für ein Port folio in Englisch, dass ich morgen abgeben muss (ich weiß ich bin etwas knapp) und ich glaub da sind noch ein paar Fehler drin. :-?

    Wäre toll, wenn ihr mir da etwas helfen könntet! ;)

    My first day at work

    Dear diary,
    today I had my first day at work. I was very excited and couldn't sleep well. When I arrived I felt sick and I thought of going home. But I told myself that the only reason was that everything was so new. What kind of class will I get? Will the pupils be nice? What about the other teachers?
    That were very important questions which came up in my mind.
    The headmaster told me on the telephone that I would have to work approximately six hours of school on the first day. From 8:00h until 13:15h. But I didn't know the routine of the day exactly and I didn't know which subjects I will have to teach the children.
    I try to stay calm by thinking: Everything will turn right, you will be accepted and you will enjoy the class and school.
    It worked. I went in the building to the headmasters room and knocked on the door. "Come in.", a female voice said. I went in and said Hello. Mrs. Parker seemed to be happy to see me. I was a little bit surprised but I began to smile. "You get one of the 2nd classes. Mrs. Bullstrode who taught the pupils last year, got a baby and she won't work for about two years." "Okay", I said happily. A 2nd class. That sounded nice. The headmaster added: "I will show you everything and help you anytime I can. When you have a question, a suggestion, problems or anything else contact me, okay?" Wow. She doesn't only seemed to be nice, she is nice, I thought. Why I was so scared?
    She gave me my timetable, accompanied me to my new classroom and explained many things to me. On the way I got to know the teachers' room, the toilets and an other teacher, Mr. Müller. He comes from Germany, from Stuttgart. "Schön, jemanden hier zu haben, mit dem man auch mal Deutsch reden kann.", he said with a big smile on his face. Very charming, I thought.
    At 8:00 a clock I went on the schoolyard like Mrs. Parker advised me. The pupils stood in groups. I found a sign: Class 2, Mrs. Gockel. Okay. That was my, MY, class. Oh my god. But everything went totally cool. The class was nice. The pupils were happy to be in school again after the long holidays and they talked about the locations where they spent the holidays and what happened to them. I gave them the new schoolbooks and we started with some easy exercises. They worked very motivated and the time flew. At the end of the school they said Bye and leaved by talking with friends.
    Oh! I forgot to tell you about the other teachers. Well, they are very nice too. They intiegrated me immediately and asked me about my decision to work here and not in Germany. I was surprised because they knew already many things about that because of Mr. Müller. But I told them about my former life and they seemed to be very interested.
    I feel fine. I feel very fine. Everything went wonderful today and I enjoy the work so much. I already prepared myself for tomorrow and I think I'll go to bed now. The day was very long and I'm tired.
    I will write you what happens in my new schoollife soon.