A special relationsship with Ireland*HILFE*

  • Hallo Leute =)
    Bräuchte Hilfe bei dem Text


    Und müsste folgende Fragen beantowrtet haben, das wäre echt genial wenn mir da jemand helfen könnte. Am besten auf Englisch ;)

    1)What´s the difference between the heritage celebration of the Irish and African-Americans on the one side and the German people in the USA on the other side?

    2)How do the different nationalities in the USA celebrate their heritage? Which of the rituals are stable, which tend to get lost? Give possible reasons for unchanging and changing traditions.

    3)How do most Americans see their ethnicity. Explain!

    4)What are Obama´s reasons for honoring the Irish-Americans in special way?

    5) Why does Obama´s explanation fit other ethnic groups as well?

    6) Still, there is something special about the Irish. What is it?

    Danke =)

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