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  • The media plays a bis role in everybody's life.
    The radio, television, newspaper and internet are some forms through which we get information and the common people believe the news given by these sources.
    One big part of these transmitters of information are the newspapers.
    They have to deal with important happenings, in all the fields, around the world.
    This kind of media covers news of public interest such as political happenings, sports, city news, national news, international news, business, education, entertainment, literature and medical news.
    Positives effects of newspapers are the quickness of getting information.
    The common man gets the newest facts within a fraction of seconds. The distance is not at all a barrier now. There are so many kiosks in almost every street, at every airport or station.
    The news they get through papers help them in their daily life a lot.
    The media especially the newspaper helps common people to exchange information and it acts as a common platform. The public get knowledge and awake to raise questions, on seeing the news in the papers.
    Furthermore, by reading newspaper, the children, people in general, too, learn many facts about the global world. Their reading habit increases and their vocabulary enhances by learning new words.
    The media conducts polls and let public to take part in social issues. Through writing letters to the editor in newspapers and many people give voice about their opinion in different political and social matters.
    Nowadays, the criminality extends vastly. Articles, written by experts, can help, warn and protect their readers by worth knowing advices and tips.
    But there is the other side of the coin, too.
    Some bogus news given in the newspaper may raise blood pressure and create negative feelings in the mind.
    Sometimes, there is no use in creating emotional feelings among public by exaggerating the happenings and giving sensational news.
    Secondly, over exposure to media may cause health problems also. The advertisements shown in newspapers or magazines have got both positive and negative impact. Particularly teenager imitate super models or film stars they see or read in the paper which may cause danger to their life.
    They could spend lots of money for make up, clothing and jewels on the influence of models and actors. Far worse, they could take the VIPs as an example and orient oneself to their use of alcohol and drugs.
    So, the media should be very careful before giving any news to the public and should not publish bogus news to increase circulation of newspapers.
    The media has brought the people all over the world very closer. We have to take the positive aspects and use it for good purpose. The newspaper and public should help to drive away the negative effects of this kind of media.

    wäre super nett von euch, danke!!!:lol: