Englisch kurzvortrag zum Thema Vietnamkrieg

  • Hey.. ich muss einen Vortrag in Englisch über den Vietnamkrieg halten. Großes Thema der Vorträge die im Kurs gehalten werden müssen, ist Albträume der USA. Der Vortrag soll 7 bis 10 minuten lang sein.
    Nun zu meinem eigentlichen Problem... ich bin nicht gerade die beste in Englisch und würde mich freuen, wenn ihr mir sagen könntet, was noch für Fehler drin sind und wie man diese dann besser schreiben könnte und wo man den Vortrag vielleicht noch etwas kürzen könnte. Vielen Dank schon mal im voraus.
    Ps. ich habe den Vortrag erst einmal ausformuliert.
    LG Jule

    The Vietnam war – a nightmare of the USA

    my structure

    1.Introduction ( film clip, general informations and definitions)
    3.1. the French phase: the Indochina war (1946-1954)
    3.2. the American phase (1954 – 1973)
    3.3. the Vietnamese phase: civil war (1973 – 1976)

    The Vietnam war was a representative war like the Korea war.
    He went from 1946 to 1976
    The Vietnam war was a direct east west discussion and a temporary obstacle for the policy of détente.

    Vietnam: … is a state in South-east Asia which borders in the north to China, in the west to Laos and Cambodia, in the south and east on the gulf of Thailand and the south Chinese sea. Vietnam is 330,000 square kilometers in size and has about 85 million inhabitants. The capital is Hanoi.
    Vietcong: ...is the abbreviation for Viet Nam Cong San, which where in the vietnam war the communist leaded guerilla warriors. The are united in the FNL (Front National de Libérte du Vietnam)
    Vietminh: ...is the abbreviation for Viet Nam Doc Kap Deng Minh Hoi and means league of the associations for the independence of Vietnam
    Indochina: That's the countries Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

    2. reasons

    One reason is the oppression Vietnam due to China at the end of the 19th Century due to the annexation Vietnam due the Frenchmen.
    Vietnam were exploited by the imperialism power until Japan torn the power and either exploited the Country.
    It came to famines and so many people joined to the opposition of the Vietminh.
    After the 2nd world war France and Great Britain wanted stand one's ground in Indochina.
    So there were a great resistance in the population and the Vietminh took care for the release of the colonial areas.
    England released the areas, France used however force of arms.
    Then it came to the foundation of the democratic republic of Vietnam in Hanoi on 2nd September 1945.
    The negotiations in 1946 in Paris were sabotaged because although Vietnam got independent but French troops were stationed in Vietnam.

    3.1. French phase: the Indochina war (1946-1954)

    The French phase started now. It came to another conflict with France. It was the reason that France wanted to establish the colonial supremacy again.
    The Vietminh associations won over the French forces in 1954. It came to the Geneva conference where an armistice was decided on.
    In addition, it came to the dividing Vietnam along the 17th degree of latitude. The French forces and her allies retired to the south. This is called to the Republic of Vietnam which was supported by the USA.
    The Vietminh associations retired to the north, where it came to the establishment of the democratic republic of Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh.

    3.2. the American phase (1954 – 1973)

    The DRV demanded that the elections are held in all of Vietnam and an entire Vietnamese government is formed as it was fixed in the Geneva conference.
    The Replublik Vietnam which was supported by the USA declined this. Your governmental system was only carried by the minority.
    The USA tried to prevent the spreading of communist state and society systems and they were supported by southern Vietnam.
    The Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China as well as the European Eastern bloc supported north vietnam.
    The Vietcong started with attacks the fight against the government in Saigon in 1957.
    It came to the use of the far branched supplies system of the time of the Indochina war. This was improved with the help of north vietnam to the Ho Chi Minh path.
    About this troops and weapons were channeled to the south.
    The FNL became the political leadership organ of the rebellion in 1960. The USA answered with increased armed forces help on this.
    The Vietcong dominated large portions of the remote rural areas of the southern vietnam soon. So it came to the making of an administration and governmental system of one's own.
    It came to direct military interventions of the USA in result of the Tongking incident.
    The Tonking incident was an alleged firing of two American fighters by northvietnames war ships in the golf of Tongking on August 2nd and 4th, 1964.
    It came to American counteractions into north vietnam on August 5th in form of strategic bombings.
    President Johnson had his power given of the American convention to the absolute warfare in Vietnam on August 7th.
    After that it came to attacks of the Vietcong on military bases at the demarcation line.
    The foreign currency "Rolling Thunder" started in February 1965. These were American air and floor actions to take the opponent to negotiations. In addition, it came to permanent troop reinforcements.
    It came through the North-Vietnamese troops and the Vietcong associations to the strategic balance again and again although these only 240000 had man on the battlefield.
    The USA had 541000 men in the war as well as troops from South Korea, Thailand and Australia.
    An instability, however, let itself be seen in South Viet Nam at the end of 1968.
    North vietnam demanded the attitude of the American bomb raids and it came so to armistice conversations in Paris on May 13th, 1968.
    The fights in South Viet Nam went on, however.
    It could, however, be foreseen although the USA prevented the complete success of the opponent that they cannot win any more.
    It came in the USA to growing resistances to the Vietnam war since it came to this knowledge and the American economy was charged by the war strongly.
    President Nixton managed the program for the Vietnamization now.
    It came that is to the gradual withdrawal of the American troops and to the assignment of the warfare into the sole responsibility of South Viet Nam.
    The air raids of the USA were resumed temporarily to force north vietnam to concessions. In addition, ports were mined.
    Nixton ordered bomb raids on north vietnam on December 18th, 1972, and it came to the armistice agreement and therefore to the withdrawal of the troops of the USA on January 21st, 1973.
    The Siagoner government and the communist troops further extended her areas, however, with force of arms and the war changed so into the 3rd phase, the civil war.

    3.3. Civil war (1973-76)

    The financial help of the USA was stopped now and it came to the case of some bases.
    The south Vietnamese government troops retired now.
    It came to the resignation of the south Vietnamese president Ngyuen Van Thien on April 21st, 1975.
    The civilian population primarily was damaged by Vietnam. The ecological structure of Vietnam was damaged by the area bombardments, use of napalm and use of defoliants strongly.
    Hundreds of thousands people have lost her native country by flight, resettlements and direct war influences.
    In addition, it came to riots against the non-fighting population.
    The American air raids harmed the North-Vietnamese Infrastuktur very strongly.
    About 58,000 American soldiers fell.
    Vietnam lost about 1 million soldiers as well as 2 million civilians and 2 million people were exposed to poisonous chemicals.
    As of the middle of the 1960s years protest movements developed against the war in the USA.
    It came to the general revolt against the existing social structure. This revolt also spread to the Western European states.
    This was the first time that the USA in the history have lost a war. The American society tried to dispel this long. It lasted for 2 years that this nightmare the vietnam syndrom was overcome.
    The Vietnam syndrome was a lacking readiness for renewed heavy military missions.
    The political approach between the USA and Vietnam was charged by the prisoners of war and missing person question primarily.
    Only 1994 president Clinton lifted the trade embargo again.
    On August 5th, 1999, her full restored the American and the Vietnamese government diplomatic relations.

  • Bitte helft mir recht schnell, da ich den Vortrag am Mittwoch halten muss.
    Vielen lieben Dank.

    Ps. habe mich gerade eben erst angemeldet, deswegen jetzt erst mein Benutzername.

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