In my opinion becoming blind is the worsest disability.
I couldn't arrange with the darkness which arround me. I guess, I would become crazy because of seeing nothing. Maybe it couldn't be so hard when someone is born with this disability, then somebody become blind through an accident. I don't could live with it because i don't know whats up around me and it's hard to learn to go out without seeing something. I would affraid of everything because of the darkness. I guess, blind people can't trust in strange people so fast, because blind people can't see the mimic and gesture of other people, so they can't estimate, wheather someone is serious.
So, becoming blind is the worsest disability for me.
Bitte um Grammatikkorrektur!
I don't could live with it because i don't know whats up around me and it's hard to learn to go out without seeing something. I would affraid of everything because of the darkness.
ich würde nicht ''I don't could'' schreiben sondern ''I couldn't'' und ich glaube es heißt '' I would be afraid of...''
sonst sehr gut geschrieben -
Danke schön <3^^
Danke schön <3^^
In my opinion becoming blind is the worst disability.
I couldn't arrange with the darkness which around me. I guess, I would become crazy because of seeing nothing. Maybe it couldn't be so hard when if someone was born with this disability, then it would be harder if somebody became blind through because of an accident. I don't could couldn't live with it because I didn't know what was up around me and it's it would be hard to learn to go out without seeing anyhing. I would be afraid of everything because of the darkness. I guess, blind people can't trust in strange people so fast, because blind people can't see the mimic and the gesture of other people, so they can't estimate, whether someone is serious.
So, becoming blind is the worst disability for me.Korrektur: fett = eingefügt/verbessert ; rot = gestrichen
Unregelmäßige Steigerung: bad - worse - the worst
uhi, da war doch einiges falsch^.^
aber danke für die korrektur =)
uhi, da war doch einiges falsch^.^
aber danke für die korrektur =)
wieso "aber";
mit anderen Worten, wäre ich als persönlicher Überbringer einer "schlechten" Nachricht - wie weiland bei den mittelalterlichen Despoten - sonst bestraft und hingerichtet worden?
Nein, es zeigt mir nur, wie schlecht ich in englisch bin . . .