Mal wieder Englisch Hausaufgabe xD wichtig ! ! !

  • Hallu^^
    Ich brauch mal wieder hilfe bei den Englisch Hausaufgaben.
    Da ich momentan nicht so gut bin, möchte ich mit der Abgabe von den Hausaufgaben extra Pluse sammeln, doch dafür muss der Text gut sein.
    Ich soll meine MEinung zu Obdachlosen äußern und schreiben, wieso manche Menschen selbst Schuld daran sind, oder/und wieso nicht.
    Es wär toll, wenn ich Werbesserungsvorschläge bekomme. =)
    Dankö schonma^^

    My opinion about homelessness is very different. I think, some people have self quilt (selber Schuld?), because people they drink alcohol or beating their family, have their own responsibility about their life. Other people, which lose their jobs and become throgh that homeless, because of maybe closing their firm, have not self guilt. In my opinion, these people should get a support. I feel sadless with everyone i see on the street, which lookes like a homeless people. But on the other side i could be angry about some of these people because of their behaviour. Some drunk homeless people shout, threaten and want to beat other people. I'm angry of these kind of homeless people. I think, the most of these aggressiv homeless people will never find back into our society. But the other people, whos don't have a bad behaviour, maybe find some time back into the society and have a lucky life. I wish these people the best.

  • Hallo hat wer "A Stzar called Henry gelesen? und kann mir helfen?
    Aslo die Aufgaben lauten

    1) How does Jack Dalton persuade Herny to commit himself to cause of the IRA?

    2)Analyse JAck Dalton's vision of a free Ireland
    Explain Henry's comment: "...his Ireland was a very small plce"

    3)Analyse the development of the relationship between JAck Dalton and Henry Smart

    4)Define the fifferent roles Jack Delton plays in the republican movement and comment on them.

    Mir reichen so Stichpunkte, über die Handlung im Buch diesbezüglich!
    Ich habe Nur Part 1 und 2 bis jetzt gelesen, um diese Aufgaben jedoch zu bearneiten muss das ganze Bu7ch schon durch gelesen sein.... wurde uns gesagt^^

    Danke schon mal im Voraus!