Englisch discussion

  • Hi ich wollt euch mal fragen wie ihr den text findet und ob ihr fehler findet oder verbesserungsvorschläge habt =)

    I’m completely against banning books because books are the first invention from humans to save information, facts and history for next generations and this must be continued. After a short time a CD or other save mediums is not readable but a book keeps thousands of years. Other reasons why I’m against banning books are that they make our fantasy bigger and you can live much more in the story than in a film. And of course a book is a very important source of knowledge and medium for saving information. And it’s much more comfortable because a book is little and you can take and read it everywhere. Also banning books would be a catastrophe for the economy because many workstations are working with books. But on the other side there are a few advantages. First we cut down many trees for books and with banning we would preserve our environment. Also a book doesn’t have an age limit and so some books are not suitable for little children but it’s possible and easy for them to read it. And some books have contents which are against the law so some people can’t find the difference between reality and fiction.