Englisch Hausaufgabe wichtig ! ! !

  • Sooo Hi Leute^^
    Ich hatte ne Englisch Hausaufgabe bis Dienstag.
    In der musste ich über eine Situation schreiben, in der ich mich unwohl gefühlt hab, weil ich zu keine Gruppe gehörte.
    Ich hab den Text schon geschrieben, und würde gerne Verbesserungsvorschläge oder ähnliches haben.^^
    Nur zur Wahnung: MEin Englisch is nich soo gut xD
    Naja vielen Danke schon mal im vorraus^^

    When I was nine years old I coloured my hair. It's don't gave the desired colour. So I was very embarrassed. I thought other people were superficial, but then two girls talked with me. We felt how we match(ed?). I had worries about, wheather they could have prejudices because of my haircolour. But they haven't. We congruent with our interessts. So we went to be good friends untill today. :D

  • Zitat

    It's don't gave the desired colour.

    But it wasn't the desired colour. (hier könntest du das noch genauer erklären, z.B. Instead of blond it was orange.


    I thought other people were superficial,

    and wouldn't want to have anything to do with me now (that I looked like a human version of Garfield)


    talked with me

    talked to me


    We felt how we match(ed?).

    Soon, it was clear that we had a lot in common.


    I had worries about, wheather

    I had worries that


    But they haven't

    But they didn't.


    We congruent with our interessts

    We had the very same interests,...


    So we went to be good friends untill today

    ...so we became really good friends - and still are.