• " I´m having lots of problems with Yvonne.She´s so secretive that she won´t even tell me who she´s going out with at night.And she isn´t very sensible,either.She´s got in with the wrong crowd,I´m afraid.I´m worried that she might get pregnant.Yvonne´s so unreasonable,you know.I´ve tried to discuss it sensebly with her so that we can work out a solution together but she just won´t listen"
    "Yes,young people today are very rebellious.Parents need to be strict -it´s the only solution"
    ich hab schon angefangen,aber weiß nicht weiter
    Yvonne,you´ll never guess what I overheard the other day.You mother was talking about you with a friend.I heard it all when I was sitting behind them on the bus.Your Mum said that....

    Bitte ich brauche HILFE :(

  • indirekte Rede? is das nich sowas wie ne VOICECARD ??? ;)

    Ich bin mir nich ganz sicher, diva17, aber "Your mum said that she has lots of problems with you. She has sais that you are so secretive and that you won`t tell her who you going out with. (da bin ich mir jetzt echt nich mehr sicher - wieweit darfst du denn den Satz umstellen? muss die geamte rede mit rein???)

    Hoffe, ich konnt dir ein bissl helfen!!