Umfrage - Brauche antworten

  • Schreibt mal bitte ein paar Antworten auf die Fragen damit ich die in meiner englischpräsentation auswerten kann

    1. What’s your opinion about violent films be sended in the daytime?
    2. What is with such scenes in cartoons?
    3. Did you have brothers or sisters who watch this films? If yes, how old 4. are them?
    5. How old are you when you seen your first violent film?
    6. Did you think, that violent films can create violence, for example by kids?
    7. Did you watch periodic a violent film?
    8. Which films you know with violent scenes?
    9. Did you think that a higher FSK works, for example in cinemas?
    10. Now decide you, Should violence be banned from TV? Please write some sentences about your opinion!

    Wenn ihr noch Ideen habt zu Fragen dann postet die bitte auch.