Gedichtsanalyse auf English - Hilfe

  • Also ich soll ein Gedicht Analysieren undzwar auf English ..
    Leider kann ich das schon in Deutsch nicht so gut und deswegen wollte ich um verbesserungsvorschläge bitten ..
    Ihr müsst es ja nicht unbedingt nachlesen aber vielleicht noch Tips was ich anders schreiben könnte oder wo noch etwas fehlt.

    Das Gedicht heißt "Love is" und wurde von Adrian Henry geschrieben.

    Meine Analyse:

    My task is so analyze the poem "Love is".
    The poem "Love is" is written by Adrian Henry and was published between 1932 and 2000.
    "Love is", has five verses per four lines and all up twenty lines.
    I think that the poem has no real rhyme sheme because for example in the first verse just "vans" and "fans" are rhyming but in verse three everything out of the last line rhymes.
    The poem is written very clear and easy to understand, also the lines are very short for a poem.
    "Love is" has no inderect speech. The author used very colourfull images for example "Love is like presents in Christmas shops" (line 11).
    Every line starts with "Love is ..".
    The only rhetoric devises are metaphers, because every line shows an metapher for love.
    In my opinion the author wants to show the good and the bad sides of love, but I think he predominantly wants to show the good sides.
    Because the only bad thing he mentioned is in line 18 "Love is prison .." .
    I like the poem by Adrian Henry because reading it makes me feel good and relaxed.
    All in all, the Poem was good to read and now I would like to read more of his poems because I want to know if they're good as this.