hallo wer kann mir helfen? ich soll in english eine spannende geschichte schreiben ( zu freitag). mir fehlt aber noch etwas:
The scary castle
One year ago I was with my parents in a museum. It was very boring so I went to a old and scary castle. The wall was broken and the windows too. But I went in. It was very cold. Suddently somebody closed the door. But there were nobody. I was so alone. I opened a door. Behind the door were two vampires. The vampires wanted to kill me! I ran and ran, but I didnt know where. Then I stopped and looked round. There werent vampires butthere were two dragons with two heads. I shout ,Help´!
so weiter bin ich noch nicht
kann mir jemand einen tipp geben wie ich weiter schreiben könnte? Und ihr önnt mir auch sagen ob Fehler in dem text sind! ok vielen dank schon im voraus!!