Letter to the editor

  • Hallo,
    für morgen muss ich einen Letter to the editor schreiben, allerdings habe ich das seit bestimmt 3 Jahren nicht mehr gemacht.
    Es geht um einen Artikel, in dem über die heutige Jugend geschrieben wird.
    Es wäre sehr nett, wenn ihr mir beim verbessern helfen und mir Tipps geben könntet.

    "Madam Christina Odone,
    I refer to your report „What's wrong with today's youth?“ in January 2002, in which you stated that the teenagers of today are free of parental interference and have no possibility to learn good behaviour.
    I am sure readers will agree with me when I say that you are surely right with a couple of your statements, but you can not generalise the young persons.
    There are many juveniles who have a good behaviour, are polite and even when they make once a mistake in their life – they are good kids.
    But how you said in your article, today's teenager are unfortunately often neglected. Many of them who do things like the examples in your article are poor kids. Their parents have themself so much problems that they even are not able to pay attention to their children accurately. No one teach them a good behaviour. When their parents do no look after them, they make mistakes. School isn't important for them, they get bad grades and often they have even police record. So they frequently get no job or often a bad one and when they get children, they behave themself like their parents and so their children get no good education,too. It is like a vicious circle.
    But as I have said, not all teenagers are like them.
    Yours faithfully,
    M.O. (schreibe meinen namen natürlich aus ^^)"

    Es fällt mir auch irgendwie kein richtiges Ende ein, denn ich will mich nicht wiederholen..was könnte ich denn noch schreiben? :(

    Liebe Grüße,

  • Ich habe jetzt als Ende geschrieben:
    But as I have said, not all teenagers are like them. Many young persons have not forgotten a good behaviour yet and I am sure if there are many parents like mine this will always be kept on.
    Yours faithfully,

  • m.o.? haha zu geil wdg schätz ich oder ^^ falls hilft ich bin j.d. und bin durch zufall auf deinen text gestoßen. des is aber schon ein enormer zufall :D :D