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Irish Dance
Irish Dance was significant part of Irish culture but is it anymore? It originated in Ireland between the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. Nowadays Irish dancing is practiced at competitions, festivals or in a social setting.
The history of Irish dance
In the 11th century the Irish used to meet at feisanna. A Feis was the combination of a trade fair, political gathering and cultural event. During the occupation of Ireland by the English Empire Irish manners were prohibited in large part even though some of them continued on in secret. Even about 700 years later, around 1750, the Irish culture was able to flourish again due to the declining oppression by the Englishmen. At this time the dancing master appeared in Ireland. He was a wandering dancing teacher who travelled from village to village in a district in order to teach dancing to the common people .Entering another dancing master’s district was disreputable .On account of the potato famine between 1845 and 1852 1.5 million Irish emigrated from Ireland most of them went to the USA where they divulged Irish culture and Irish Dance .In 1929 the CLRG(An Coimisiun le Rinci Gaelacha) was founded in order to establish standards and dispose regional varieties. The CLRG was able to make its way by the use of boycotts and sanctions. Today there are several organisations publishing the art of dancing and organizing competitions. The second biggest organisation is “An Comhdháil“ which shelters more than 360 teachers around the world.Smaller but nevertheless important institutions are the world irish danche association (wida)
There are several groups of Irish dancing .The most famous one is the Irish social, or céilí. It is danced usually by 2 to 16 couples but can also be danced with an unlimited number of couples in a Céilí line or proceeding around in a circle (Such as in the "Walls of Limerick" or "Bonfire Dance"). The modern Ceili dance form was codified early in this century by the Gaelic League who were simultaneously establishing the form to be used for step dancing competitions. Ceili dance today emphasizes on dancing on the toes, extension of leg and foot and long reach and quick movements .
Set dances are second to social dances. They are danced by four couples, arranged in a square. Unlike the ceili dances, set dances feature strong regional variations in style . Set dances are danced on flat feet, and generally avoid leaps and traveling movements.
Stepdancing as a modern form is descended directly from the so-called Sean-Nós stepdancing. There are several different forms of stepdancing in Ireland (such as the Connemara style stepdancing), but the style most familiar is the Munster, or southern style.
Irish stepdancing is primarily done in competitions, public performances or other formal settings.
The types of shoes worn can be broadly divided into soft and hard shoes. The first hard shoes were made of wood in the 19th century and early 20th. Later the taps and heels were changed into resin or fiberglass to minimize their weight and to boost the click sound. The soft shoes are akin to ballet shoes apart from the hard toes and the ribbons or laces.
Several generations ago, the appropriate dress for a competition were simply your best clothes. In the course of the time dresses got flashier ,more adorned and more extensive. The dresses are fairly expensive and cost up to 5000 €. Men used to wear a kilt. Today they wear a shirt, vest and mostly black pants. The girls wear a wig or curl their hair what is much more laborious.
In current times more and more Irish dancing shows occurred .One of the most successful stage shows ever to emerge from Ireland is Riverdance. The show got 300 million viewers world-wide.
Does Irish Dancing play a role in Irish culture anymore? Yes indeed. All told Irish Dancing is more important to Irish history than at any other time . It spreads out all over the globe in the form of mushrooming dancing schools and flourishs like no time before . Not at last because of events and shows such as Feet of the Flames , the spirit of the dance and particularly Riverdance.