Hallo zusammen
Ich habe mal eine Bitte. Und zwar hat mich eine Freundin gefragt, ob ich ihren Aufsatz kontrollieren kann, da sie sich für ein Auslandsjahr bewerben will/muss. Sie ist selbst nicht so das Genie in Englisch und hat ihn selbst schon übersetzt. Die "dicksten" Fehler sind wohl schon raus, bin schon drüber gegangen, nur mir schwirrt langsam der Kopf. Es waren doch einige Hammer dabei und ich wusste teilweise gar nicht, was sie sagen wollte.
Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn. Vielleicht könnte nochmal jemand anders drübergehen, damit sie das auch wirklich abgeben kann.
Freue mich über jede Hilfe.
When I was 13, I grew up as an only child. By a new family situation, i had got two stepbrothers. I don’t have any siblings and I was happy about this new change in my life. To the occupational conditions about my Mother: She works as a nurse for the elderly for twenty-seven years, my father has worked as an coroner and is now an invalidity pensioner. My stepfather works as a police constable.
I was always a person, who approached new things with curiosity and openness. I was already a spontaneous and flexible person in my infantile. My parents passed this lifestyle down to me. I was early taught to be open for other cultures. Also I made friendships in my environment. Then in my middle high school time and private life, there were a lot of different cultures. And so I already learned to campaign for someone or something in my childhood. I’m still doing this today in my private life, with my friends and family.
And the interest for drawing can be retraced in my childhood. Since i could hold a pencil, a like to draw. I love to experiment with colors and leave the creativity free run. And with this affectation for colors and drawing, I’m interested in art. But the love to reading books is strongly present, too. Furthermore I love hanging out with my friends and my family.
The reasons to make an application by the Amity Institute are results from SPI. The SPI, in which I’m making my second study in the domain of education, has contact with the Amity Institute for a few years. This access gives the students from SPI the chance to do an internship in a foreign country which is in Europe or the United States. So I make an application as student from the SPI, too. I am happy about this exclusive chance to do an internship in a foreign country.
From the beginning, I was so interested in working with a teacher in a foreign-language classroom, to make new experience in the area from a middle high school class. Since the beginning of my second study, I gravitated towards to work after my study in a basic education. I had a nice school time and I will give my own positive feelings and these associated experiences to the studies from my internship. I will attend and support the studies into their school time. So I’m really curious to gain the experiences in a basic school and with his studies. I hope I will learn new things and I can expand forward. The chance making an internship in a foreign country, which is offering to us studies, is also a big gladness.
I am a flexible person and I’m open to learn new things. So I will consistent upgrading my skills. By my side job in the care for the elderly, and my first study home economics, I am careful; I can plan ahead, to act on impulse and to restructure situations. I can cook and baking. I have collect valuable pedagogy experience in my first internship and school instructions. By this experience and the associated knowledge, I’m able to work educationally with children and to support them in her developments, everyday life and accompany them. I’m open and curious for other conceptions and my interests are big to study further and growing me.
I am very creative and I have fun with art and trade. I love to draw and to make experiments with colors. And so on I read many books and write my own fantasy stories. I like the idea to write a story together with the kids in my internship class and to draw with them imagery to the fantasy stories.
I am an honest, loyal person. I’m helpful and stand up for other persons in a complicated situation. I’m tolerant, flexible and cosmopolitan. I lay a big worth about community and to play a part in new situations.
I don’t have any experience with travelling outside of Germany. So I’m upfront, interested and exited to get this chance, doing an internship in a foreign country. And I’m glad to spend a nice time with the studies, teachers and my host family.
Ich weiß, sie wiederholt sich auch. Das muss ich dann noch sagen, damit ich weiß, was ich löschen kann. Sonst bastelt sie wieder