HILFE englisch Satzstellung/Berichtigung

  • HI,
    ich muss am Mittwoch die Hausaufgabe abgeben, bitte ggf. Berichtigen und vervollständigen(antworten), danke für die Hilfe im vorraus :)

    Frage 1)Explain the meaning of the term "outsourcing" by giving examples from the film.

    With "Outsourcing" means all activities of a company meant to be a shift of power creation or part to the autside lead. In the film was the example of a call center.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The term "outsourcing" means all activities of a company to shift off energy generation or parts of procedure to an outside lead. In the film a call center was named as an example.
    LG nif7 :)

  • thx :)
    Jetzt Frage 2)
    Why do companies make use of outsourcing according to the information given in the film?

    The treatment cost (rent, wages/salaries, electricity,...) to reduce.

    sry wusste nicht wie ich das ausdrücken sollte, ich wollte eigtl. damit sagen:
    Die Unternehmen machen das deshalb, um die Handlungskosten (Miete, Gehälter/Löhne, Strom,...) um ein vielfach zu reduzieren.

  • thx nochmal :)
    Jetzt die letzte frage

    What effects does outsourcing have for
    - employers/companies
    - employees (in both countries)
    - the economy (of both countries)?

    For the company / employer, it is cost saving, you may be able to reduce prices, since the act costs are lower, so more products will be sold.

    Domestically, the employees will be dismissed and abroad in the set.

    This leads to losses in the domestic tax revenues. There are then fewer jobs and more unemployed, which are then additional costs for the government (Hartz 4 ,...). The advantage abroad are the jobs created.

  • The effect of outsourcing for the employer/company is cost saving. This means that the company will be able to reduce prices, since the costs are lower. Consequently more product will be sold.

    For domestic employees this means job losses as they will no longer be needed. Jobs are created abroad.

    Outsourcing can lead to losses in domestic tax revenues. Thereare fewer jobs and therefore there is more unemployment which creates additional costs forthe government (such as unemployment benefits / Hartz IV). The country to which the service/production(?) was outsourced to may benefit for example through the creation of new jobs.