• In the statement the author holds the view, that positive experience and good results for children are dependent the organization of the childcare institution.
    I agree with the author’s opinion for several reasons. I think good and successful childcare institutions are the results of good organized work. In those exemplary institutions qualified personnel organize the day to focus on the individual needs of each child. Good childcare institutions promote an ethos where children are welcomed warmly and adults show how they value each child as uniquely special.
    In “Early Excellence Centre” for example, every child is treated as an individual. I would although say, that the Early Excellent Centers are so successful because the stuff values every one and is committed to treating all children with equal respect.
    In successful child care institution, like the Early Excellent Centers are children at the focus of interest.

    A second reason for my opinion is that institution, which organized the work after the needs of each child, considers the different stage of development of their children.
    In this process of development it is very important; to offer the right equipment for each age the children are, because during the different ages the play instinct himself changed, just as change the play needs.
    Children which are in the last year before they go to school demand an other equipment then children which are in the first year at the kindergarten.
    Good childcare institution notice this development and offer equipment and toys for each age.

    All in all I would say for guarantee a positive development an good experience for every children, it is important to set the focus on children needs

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    holds the view that

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    are dependent the organization

    are dependent on the organization


    qualified personnel organize the day to focus on

    qualified personnel are organizing the day focusing on


    an ethos where children are welcomed warmly and adults show how

    an ethos, where children are welcomed warmly and adults show, how


    I would although say, that the Early Excellent Centers are so successful because the stuff values every one and is committed to treating all children with equal respect.

    Moreover, I would say that the Early Excellent Centers are so successful, because the stuff values everyone and is committed to treat all children with equal respect.


    In successful child care institution, like the Early Excellent Centers are children at the focus of interest.

    In successful child care institutions, like the Early Excellent Centers, children are at the focus of interest.


    In this process of development it is very important; to offer the right equipment for each age the children are, because during the different ages the play instinct himself changed, just as change the play needs.

    In this process of development it is very important to offer the right equipment for each age the children are in, because during the different ages the play instinct himself changed, just like the play's needs.


    Children which are

    Children, who are


    other equipment then children which

    other equipment than children, who


    All in all I would say for guarantee a positive development an good experience for every children, it is important to set the focus on children needs

    All in all, I would say, for guaranteeing a positive development and good experiences for every child, it is important to set the focus on children's needs

    LG nif7 :)

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