ich muss ein motivationsschreiben auf englisch schreiben und hätte dieses gerne korriegiert wenn das jemand kann, bin ich äußerst dankbar, hier ist es:
I want to do a social service abroad, because I want to combine my interests. My social competenses were alredy trained by my grammar school. There I have lessons like pedagogy and psychology and we were trained how to deal with people and children. Futhermore, I don´t have any problems with getting in contact with people and motivating them. That is the reason, why I want to work in the Youth Hostel. I like to work with people and there I can use my language skills and meet a lot of different people. In my freetime I go in for sports in a rowing club. There I take care for our new members. I show them how to row and look after them, that they are wearing a life vest. Furthermore I organize a lot of trips for our club. I also work in a food delivery service after school. There I help in the kitchen to cook the food and deliver it to the families. Therefore I know how to deal with food and with customers. Personality I consider myself to be friendly, self-confident and flexible. During my school years I finished my student conflict mediator´s training and trough the years I became very experienced in caring for and interacting with students and help them to solve their problems. Due to this skills, I think I would render good services in the Youth Hostel. I know how to deal with people, like to work with food and to tidy up rooms. I am also computer literate. I like to work with word and excel and especial I like to work with photoshop and HTML. I would like to learn how to deal with computer programms of the Youth Hostel.
As well I am interessted in literature, history and art.