ich soll ein tagebuch über meine klassenfahrt schreiben. wir sind nach england gefahren deswegen soll das tagebuch natürlich englisch sein. ich will nix sagen "hier sind die stichpunkte schreib mal für mich" sondern nur, dass ich es schon fertig geschrieben habe und sich vielleicht jemand findet der es quasi nochmal als "fehlerlesen" überließt, mir sagt wo die fehler sind und mir offentlich auch helfen kann sie zu korrigieren.
fals jemand anfängt zu lesen schonmal vielen dank
My english diary
We will make a class trip to Hastings from 22.March to 27.March. My mate is Joel. We will go together to a Host family. I hope the Host family is nice and don’t speak unclear. I will learn something about “how English people live”.
Saturday, 22. March:
Today we arrived in England. We started our bus trip at 4 o’clock am in Hohen Neuendorf. The drive was about 18 hours long. In Hannover we made a break to change our bus driver. We drive through Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and France. First we thought the drive will be very boring, but it wasn’t. We laughed a lot or play games with the Nintendo DS. In Calais we took the ferry to Dover. The passage was about 1 hour long because the ship drove very slowly. In Hastings we met our host parents the first time. The father sees us to his home. In the house we went to bet soon because we were tired.
Monday, 23. March:
We waked up at 7:35am. It was no problem to wake up, but we had German time and not English time. So we woke up one hour too early. We weren’t the only one. At the meeting point was Michi and Alex. They woke up one hour too early, too. We walked one hour through the town. At 8:30am the whole classes were at the meeting point. A guide shows us Hastings and he told something boring. After this we got worksheets and have to do exercises in groups. In the afternoon we went to the “Smugglers Adventure Caves”. We got a worksheet again. At 18 o’clock we were at home. We had lunch and played Xbox with the son of our guest father.
Tuesday, 24. March:
Today we woke up earlier because we went to London. We needed about 2 hours to arrive in London. First we visited Cleopatra’s Needle. In London we met a Woman witch told us a lot a about London during a bus trip. We made a stop at the Buckingham palace and regarded him. Later we went to the “Tower of London” and visited him. The entrance fee was very expensive but we can see the British jewels. The jewels were regarded very well. After that we had a lot of free-time. Most of the free-time we spend at McDonald. But it was very difficulty to find McDonald. I asked three peoples, but nobody knowing where a McDonald is and the street’s of London was very full. I think this was the best day.
Wednesday, 25. March:
The best thing of the day was that we can wake up one hour later. We made a trip to the little town called Rye. Rye is the oldest town of England. We visited the town model of Rye and a voice told us something about Rye. After that we went to Canterbury and visited the old cathedral. The cathedral was huge. But that was the only interesting. We got a lot of free time and went to McDonald again. After the free-time we went back to Hastings but there was one problem, some people of the other class were missing. It was no big problem because after ten minutes the missing-people was at the meeting point. Back at home we eaten lunch, went short outside and finally we went to bed.
Thursday, 26. March:
Today we had our second day in London. Before we went to London we had gone to Greenwich. In Greenwich we had gone to the zero meridian. After that we went to the Thames and made a boat trip. The boat was very nice, but we had to change the boat after the half passage. We changed to a smaller boat wasn’t nice, but we could drive under a small bridge. Now we had a lot of free-time. Our next stop was at the Globe Theatre. A guide showed us Shakespeare's Globe. It is built from wood and it is open air, because in the past they hadn't electric light. We had a workshop about Romeo and Juliet. We played games and learned a lot of about Romeo and Juliet.
Friday, 27. March:
Now it’s Friday, our last day in England. My Host family had driven us to the meeting point and sad goodbye. Some people were too late because their Host family was away and they walked to the meeting point. We walked at a hill and made a short break. The view to Hastings was very well. Back in Hastings we had a lot free-time again. After our free-time we ate fish and chips or chicken and chips or just chips. Chicken and chips was delicious, but the fish wasn’t delicious. At 16:30 we sad goodbye to Hastings. At 10:30 we were back in Hohen Neuendorf.
Finally I think it was a great experience to stay one week in England. I learned a little bit English, but a lot of how English people live. In my opinion the best day was our first day in London and the worst day was Wednesday. My Host family was very nice and friendly.