Benotete Hausaufgaben :(

  • ja sowas gibts bei uns :(

    und deshalb wollt ich fragen ob ihr mal drüber gugen könnt - bis heute abend ^^. wäre nett wenn mir jemand was schreiben könnte.

    ist eigentlich nix schweres, sollen auf argumente von leuten antworten.
    das ist die aufgabenstellung (hab mal alles abgeschrieben - hilft vll):


    Arguing and qualifying

    Traffic surveys in towns show that more than half of all car journeys are short. Most are less than six kilometres long and a lot are only two or three kilometres long.

    But should we make the ‘unnecessary use’ of private transport for short journeys so expensive that people will be happy to walk, go by bike or use public transport? Listen to or read what the people say and argue about possible answers to the car problem.

    Make notes first and add any ideas of your own.

    und nun erzählen einfach paar leute argumente und ich geb meinen senf dazu.


    Ann Baker: We should make cars so expensive and inconvenient that people use public transport.


    True people will use more public transport, but on the other hand will this steal a lot of time by waiting for bus or train. People will reach their homes later and have less time for family. Neither good idea.


    Miguel Sanchez: Why should only the rich have a car? That’s not very democratic, is it?


    Yes it isn’t. Sure thing, that people will be classified by their status symbol which is the car in that way.


    Mamta Parekh: I read that if everybody starts using public transport, the system will break down. The fact is that public transport only works because a lot of people use private transport.

    It could be right that the system will break down if everybody starts using public transport but I think the english train and bus companys will stock up their trains and bus and will shorten the travel times. The companys will earn more money and people don’t need to spend money for expensive petrol and so on.

    Ich verhau mich gerne mal in der zeit und in der art wie ich einen satz aufbaue. ihr müsst mir nicht die antworten verbessern, wenn ihr nicht wollt ^^ aber wenigstens draufstumpen wenn ihr nen fehler findet ^^

    danke danke danke ^^

  • und hier noch der rest.


    Alex Jordan: The car industry and its suppliers employ millions of people. What will happen to them if we ban cars?

    That’s a real good argument. They all will lose their jobs.


    Helen Smyth: If we don’t build any more roads or car parks, people will have to use public transport. The problem will solve itself.

    But don’t you agree that it will take a long time until the problem will solve itself then? I think it will be a real chaos first if the problem grows up. Building more streets and car parks will help, but on the other hand it will destroy a lot of nature land around and noone want to have a landscape out of concrete.


    Vance Johnson: This talk about cars is nonsense. Soon we’ll all meet in cyberspace. Nobody will need a car – or a bus, for that matter.

    I know that, but studies still shows us that people will lose their personality and relation to reality.