Als Aufgabe war eine Inhaltsangabe zu "The Dragon" von Cynthia Forder zu verfasssen. Ich finde diese Geschichte total unverständlich und dementsprechend mager ist auch meine Inhaltsangabe geworden. Wenn ihr irgendwelche Verbesserungsvorschläge habt, immer her damit.
The short story "The Dragon" by Cynthia Forder is set near oil refeneries that look like dragons to a girl named Kay. She and Bob, the son of her mother's friend, meet often, but they have difficulties with teeling the truth about their relationship.
While Bob wants to chat, Kay is watching the refeneries. She and Bob have little in commen and Kay wants to keep it like that, becaus she believes he is stupid. Not realising that Bob has already understood her point of view, he leaves and tells her he is not going to come back. Kay is hurt und returns home where she watches the oil refeneries breathing fire.
Da sind etwas mehr als hundert Wörter, die Länge ist also ok, mehr sollte es nicht sein.