Hey ich bin in der 11. Klasse und gar nicht gut in Englisch.
Auf jeden Fall sollten wir eine Inhaltsangabe zu dem ersten Kapitel von The Beach schreiben.
Mein Versuch:
The first chapter is about how Richard finds the map and how he meets Etienne and Francoise.
As Richard lands in Bangkok he drives to Khao San Road an checks in a guest-house.
In the early morning he hears a man in the adioining room talking about a beach.
In the morning Richard goes to the eating area to get some breakfast and as he reverts to his room an evelope with a map, showing a beach, pinns at his door.
He connects the map with the man in the room beside his room and want to ask him, what is so special about the beach.
But he finds him dead.
In a police station he will examines by an officer about the dead person. But after a short while he can live the station.
Then he meets Ètienne and they talk about Ètiennes girlfriend and the map. The french boy wants to see the map and they go back to the guest-house.
During they analyze the map, Francoise arrives them.
The three dicide towards a short time that they will travel to the beach.
Geht das so von der Grammatik ? Oder könnte man das an einigen Stellen besser ausdrücken?
Ich hoffe das ist nicht zu lang und es liest jemand.
Liebe Grüße das Schlummichen