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    P.s. kann Englisch nicht sehr gut :(

    Dear, Hermia (beloved of Lusander and engaged to Demetrius)

    When I read the book "A midsummer Night's Dream" by Shakespear was her character the remarkabling character of all in this story. They play a woman which life was in time with many lows for a woman. And her father, Egeus, views her as part of his property, or estate, which it is his right to distribute as he wills.
    Nevertheless they controdict her father and all of men. They are follow her hard. I find this very courageous in her time.
    Not every woman has courage to do this. I asked me, if I do this, too?
    Besides I like it than they don't give up in difficult situation. It is importent follow her goal and it doesn't matter how much stones be in her way.
    For this reasons I wish mett you and I wish find out more about her person.
    They can be ideal for other persons!

  • Ich habe es noch ein Mal überarbeitet...

    Dear, Hermia (beloved of Lusander and engaged to Demetrius)

    When I read the book "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by Shakespear was her character the remarkabling character of all in this story. They play a woman who lives in a Medievel time, ie a man determinell over a woman. And her father, Egeus, views her as part of his property, or estate, which it is his right to distribute as he wills.
    Nevertheless they controdict her father and all of men. They are follow her hard. I find this very courageous in her time.
    Not every woman has courage to do this. I asked myself, if I do this, too?
    Besides I like it than they don't give up in difficult situation. It is importent follow her goal and it doesn't matter how much stones there are in the way.
    For this reasons I wish I have met you and found out more about her character.
    They can be ideal for other persons!

  • also im ersten Satz ist die Satzstellung verkehrt (deutsche Satzstellung)


    was her character the remarkabling character of all in this story

    ....her character was...


    which it is his right to distribute as he wills.

    was willst du sagen? statt wills meinst du sicherlich wants aber dennoch verstehe ich es nicht.


    They are follow her hard



    I asked myself, if I do this, too?

    I asked myself whether I would also have done this.
    Besides I like it because they don't give up in difficult situations. It is importent to follow your goal and it doesn't matter how many difficulties there are.
    For this reasons I wish I have met her and found out more about her character.


    They can be ideal for other persons!

    was willst du sagen? so geht es nicht...