Statistik über Fernsehverhalten des Englisch-Grundkurses

  • hey leute...
    wir haben in Englisch (12.klasse) eine Tabelle bekommen, die wir auswerten sollten.
    ich bin mir ziemlich unsicher, was alles in so eine Auswertung rein soll! kann mir jemand helfen? vielleicht könnt ihr euch auch mal meinen bisherigen versuch durchlesen und verbesserungsvorschläge bringen?gerade in grammatik bin ich echt ne niete! danke im voraus! :D

    Television behaviour of the English courses GeSo 07a
    The table shows the relationship of the English basic course to the television. It gives informations about kind of the telecast, duration, transmitter and grading. In the head of the table you can find the time of day and the extreme left column you can see the day. This was considered during one week-period.

    In the morning the pupils watched TV averaged 4 hours and 40 minutes. This number is understandably smaller than the number in the afternoon and evening, because the students havn´t seldom time watching TV in the morning, f.e. if the students must go to school an hour later or in the weekend.
    Additionally it shows that the pupils mostly turn on the television in the evening. At that time the students watch TV in total 41 hours and 40 minutes, while it are in the afternoon 27 hours and 45 minutes. The number rises across Friday and Suterday evening. At that days the students watch TV 485 minutes/ 575 minutes in the evening, while at other weekdays they watch television average 300 minutes. This suggest that the students basically at the Friday and Saturday evening ahbe time to watch telly. The reason is a chance that at that time the most want relaxing. The pupils love docu soaps, sitcoms (13 & 14 viewers at week) and soaps (35 viewer at week).
    This table numbers show that the class use TV as an information source and as an entertainment medium. The favorite telestations are VOX, RTL, and Pro7. To be seldom seen telestations are NDR, Comedy Channel, VOX2, and Nickeldeon. The best mark get televisual programmes Wednesday and the worst mark get programmes at Thursday. It is shown on the average that the morning televisual programmes get the best mark and the programmes in the evening are at the centre with the mark average 2,02. The programmes in the afternoon aren´t good.

    You must attend that 9 pupils from 24 havn´t a TV at home respectively they havn´t watch television this week.