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  • Ich muss einen argumentative essay in Englisch schreiben und habe dieses Thema : Minority groups should make greater efforts to integrate into the mianstream population.
    Vielleicht kann ja mal jemand meine essay korrigieren und sagen was ich besser machen kann. Danke schon mal im voraus.

    There are more and more missunderstanding between minority groups and the mainstream population.
    The mainstream population have prejudices and they dont trust the minority groups.
    There comes the question: Should minority groups make greater efforts to integrate into the mainstream population?
    In the following text I will discuss this question.

    On the one hand the minority groups can try to learn the language of the country they live in. At this way first problems can be solved by understanding what the others are talking about and to find easiler frinds.
    They also should learn more about the culture and daily life of the mainstream population on this way missunderstanding can be solved easilier.
    On the other hand they should try to learn from the mainstream population on this way both sides have advantages from each other.

    But there are also negative aspects if the minority groups make greater efforts to integrate into the mainstream population. The first thing is that they would loose their culture and personality. This would be bad because they would loose their whole identity which make them specail.
    The other negative point is that they will loose the self-confident because the minority groups see that they will never integrate better into the mainstream population.
    At least we should not forget that the state has to pay the courses they have to take courses to learn the language or the culture and this is not cheap.

    In conclusion we can say, that minority groups can try to integrate better into the mainstream population if they take languages and culture courses and try to find frinds in the mainstream population, but they cant change theire skin color or theire heritage. In the future the minority groups should be accepted from the mainstream population to integrate better.