Kleine Geschichte! Bitte helft mir!

  • Hallo,
    könnt ihr mir vielleicht bei den Hausaufgaben helfen? Es ist sehr dringend, bitte!
    Also, wir sollen eine kleine Geschichte schreiben, in der folgendes vorkommt:
    - 4 present participle active sätze
    - 4 past participle passive sätze
    Ich hab leider überhaupt keine Ideen, ich weiß nicht mal, wie man solche partibciple active und passive sätze und sowas bildet! Also helft mir bitte, das wäre sehr nett! :D
    Liebe Grüße,

  • hab nur die geschichte weiß nicht ob die geht : :arrow:
    on a wunderful sunny day john was siting in front of the window and thought about the day at the school he wants to go out whit his best friend he called his number daniel wasnt there also he called jenny she was there they planed a day on the lake they have fun on the lake they play games eat sandwiches and dance but then he falles in the lake and he was nasswhen he was bit dryer he went at home whit jennybut then jenny has a accident one yellow cat hit her she was injured the ambulance came ant took her to the hospital that was a very strange day but jenny is allready allright
    glaub aber nicht

  • on a wunderful sunny day john was siting in front of the window and thought about the day at the school he wants to go out whit his best friend he called his number daniel wasnt there also he called jenny she was there they planed a day on the lake they have fun on the lake they play games eat sandwiches and dance but then he falles in the lake and he was nasswhen he was bit dryer he went at home whit jennybut then jenny has a accident one yellow cat hit her she was injured the ambulance came ant took her to the hospital that was a very strange day but jenny is allready allright

    Tom wanted to go to a Jazz Concert of Jeff Lipstrong,the famous trumpet player.If he wanted to go to this Jazz Concert,he would brought more money.He saw the plakat and looked very sadly,because he hadnt enough money.He must found a job.He was running quickly at home.He was very exciting,because he must found a job.He went to the living-room.He asked his father and his father said,that he can went to the Petrol Station.Tom was very happily.The next day,he went to the Petrol Station.If he worked for enough money he can go to this concert.He had been washed the dirrty cars.He worked three long days,then he had been enough money for the ticket and he can went to the nicely concert.Some people wanted to go to this concert,so he must waited 2 hours long in front of the concert hall.Finally!The concert began.But Tom was so tired,that he slept.He missed the concert,because he was sleeping.