Könnt ihr meinen Text über Kalifornien korrigieren?

  • Hay, ich gehe in die 8. Klasse und wir schreiben in ein paar Tagen eine Klassenarbeit in Englisch. Unsere Lehrerin hat sich verplappert und uns schon das Thema der Writing Aufgabe gesagt: "California - a Golden State for everyone?". Wir sollen über Besonderheiten, Einwohner, Dinge die man dort machen und sehen kann, Probleme und unsere Meinung schreiben. Ich habe natürlich schon mal zur Vorbereitung so einen Text geschrieben.

    California is a state in the south-west of the USA. It is a state of very many fantastic things, but there are also a few of bad things. In this text I want telling you about the features, the problems, the population and things you can do and see there.

    California has got very many Special Features. In 1849, gold was discovered in California and since then California is very rich. There are very much computer industries, for example “Silicon Valley” which is the world center of the computer industry and their products are used by people from all over the world.

    If you go to California, you will see a lot of skin colors because there are lots of immigrants from all over the world. Most of them come from Mexico, the neighboring state of California which is very poor and a couple of them are illegal! The Mexican people are happy about being in California because there they find work on farms or in houses from rich people, just for a little money but at least something. But it is still very unfair for many people. Although the state is very rich, there live a lot of homeless people. By far the worst thing is that sometimes illegal immigrants from Mexico are shot by base border soldiers because some people think there are enough immigrants in California!

    There is very much you can do and see in California. You can go swimming and surfing on the sea and sunning on the lots of beaches. You can also visit the big cities like San Francisco where you can cross the famous Golden Gate Bridge or Los Angles where you can see the stars from Hollywood. There are also cool fun parks like Disneyland or Six Flags Magic Mountain. You can also go to the beautiful countryside and national parks like the Yosemite National Park, the Sequoia with the tallest and oldest trees in the world.

    But there are also some problems in California. Most time the weather is very good and sunny, but I’m afraid sometimes there are terrible earthquakes, forest fires and tsunamis! There is a 62 % chance that there will be happened another big earthquake before the year 2032.

    I think California isn’t a Golden State. The State is rich and many people are poor. I would spending my holidays there but I do not want to live there!

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    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Lotta1 (9. Dezember 2014 um 19:07)

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