Ich muss mein Praktikum mit meiner Berufswahl zusammenfassend aufschreiben und da ich nicht so das Englisch Ass bin könnt ihr ja ein paar Sachen korrigieren
My future job
In the last two weeks I had a practical work experience at the primary school in … . I think it was the best practical work experience I have ever done. In the primary school I must work outside and inside that’s a good mixture for my ideas. It makes me happy when I see the kids and the job as teacher is in my mind very safe. It´s hard to become a teacher but It´s worth because I earn a lot of money and It´s varied. As a primary school teacher you earn 1500 – 2000 €. On the other hand you need strong nerves for this job because It´s not always easy for pupils and teacher to work together. Some kids are very cheeky and inattentive (unaufmerksam). Fortunately (zum Glück), there are also pupils who can prove the converse. I know that I have to deal responsibly (Verantwortungsvoll) with the kids…….
Ab diesem Satz fällt mit einfach nichts mehr ein .___.
könnt ihr mir bitte einen schönen Schlusssatz nennen?
..das wäre echt nett