Korrektur bei der Grammatik

  • 1 The cat catches the mouse again and again in the kitchen.
    2 The smell of scented candle was very pleasant.
    3 A guest confused in our house.
    4 My friend and I met in front of the cinema in the foyer.
    5 The horror film was so terrible that I cringed every second together.
    6 It was obvious who the murderer was in the thriller.

    Bitte einmal rüber schauen :D!

  • Zitat

    1 The cat catches the mouse in the kitchen again and again .
    2 The smell of scented candles was very pleasant.
    3 A guest confused???? in our house.
    4 My friend and I met in front of the cinema in the foyer.
    5 The horror film was so terrible that I cringed every second [---]
    6 It was obvious who the murderer in the thriller was

    bei Satz 3 weiß ich nicht, was gemeint ist: confused = verwirrt

    Satz 4: zwei Ortsangaben die sich ausschließen: entweder IM Foyer des Kinos oder VOR dem Kino(gebäude)

    Satz 5: SICH ZUSAMMENkrümmen heißt einfach: to cringe

  • bei Satz 3 weiß ich nicht, was gemeint ist: confused = verwirrt

    Satz 4: zwei Ortsangaben die sich ausschließen: entweder IM Foyer des Kinos oder VOR dem Kino(gebäude)

    Satz 5: SICH ZUSAMMENkrümmen heißt einfach: to cringe

    1. The cat catches the mouse in the kitchen again and again.
    2. The smell of scented candles was very pleasant.
    3. the guest ordered two glasses of wine.
    4. My friend and I met in front of the foyer.
    5. The horror film was so terrible that I to cringe every second together.
    6. It was obvious who the murderer was in the thriller.