Homework Analyze the cartoon

  • Hi!

    Als Hausaufgabe sollen wir folgenden Cartoon analysieren.


    Es würde mich sehr freuen, wenn jemand meine Ausarbeitung inhaltlich und sprachlich korrekturlesen könnte.

    Vielen Dank!

    The coloured cartoon drawn by C.J. Taylor in 1889, portraits “the American Melting pot”.
    On the right side in the picture there is a big young man with a laurel wreath and headscarf in the colors of the American flag on his head. He is wearing a white toga, the American flag around his hips and sandals. Due to his clothes he is looking like a Roman.His facial expression is neutral and his looking leftward. In his hands the man is holding a silver spoon with writing the “EQUAL RIGHTS” in capital letters. With the spoon he stiring up a big beige pot, standing on the ground, on which the word “CITIZENSHIP”. In the vessel you can see lot of people.The different skin color and wardrobe indicating that they are from different origins. Most of them are white but there is one black-skinned man as well.
    The most striking person the a man standing on the left with a bloody knief and the in one hand and a convolute flag with the words ”Clan na Gael” in the other one.Thanks to his upright carriage and mien is appear embattled. His mouth is wide open, as if he is shouting.

    Around the pot there is the silhoute of flames in beige. The background is kept simple in light grey.

    On the left edge at the bottom in the picture you can read the signature of the drawer: C.J. Taylor.

    Under the cartoon the following information are written: A 1889 cartoon portraying the American melting pot.

    The term melting pot describes the development of the American society. In the past America was populated by immigrants from many nationalities. But over time people grew together so that the differences between the cultures disappeared.
    In the cartoon the drawer showed several allusions to the so called melting pot .
    The most obvious hint is the big vessel.It is emphasized through the word citzenship and the different looking people in the pot. Consequently there is not THE typical American, because the population is a motley crew.Through the illustration is elucidated, that every immigrant has got hes / her cultural identity and the same citzenship can’t disperse it.
    A special group of Americans, the Afroamericans, is represented by the black-skinned man. In spite of abolition of slavery the Afroamericans were discriminated against and didn’t have the same rights like white people until the middle of the 20 th century. So theoretical everyone is equal, but in fact some people are more equal than other. For that reason the letters EQAUL RIGHTS written on the spon is hypocritical.

    Another striking thing in the picture is the big man, dressing like a Roman but with the American flag around his hips. In this way the creator expresses that the American
    constitution is basesd on the ancient Roman constitution because the Roman Republic is one of the oldest democracies right behind the ancient Greeks.

    Thereby the drawer draw a parallel between the former Roman Republic and The United Staates. Certainly they share commonalities. For example the Roman Empire was a superpower just like America. The Roman Empire cover an wide area with a lot of provinces and colonies. That’s why the Roman population consist of people who belonged to different cultures and nationalities, united by the Roman Republic. Fiuratively speaking is was the first melting pot in history.

    In addition both nations owed their suggess among other things to their military power. Thanks to their strong armee the Romans were able to conquer many territories and the American as a former British Colonie won the Revolutionary War agait the British.
    However appart from the foreign-policy triumphs both world powers had domestic political problems like civil wars.

    One example for of a civil war is shown in the picture: the man with the bloody knife and the Clan na Gael-flag. Clan na Gael was the name of an Irish Republican organization in the United States in the late 19th and 20th centuries, who was invoveld in the American Cevil War. So it is an allusion to the War of Secession and reminds the viewers that they should not take civil rights and equality for granted, because the ancestors had to fight for it.

  • The coloured politicalcartoon, drawn by C.J. Taylor in 1889, portraits “the American Melting pot”.
    On the right side in the picture there is female person with a laurel wreath and headscarf in the colors of the American flag on her head. She is wearing a white toga, the American flag around her hips and sandals. Due to her clothes she is looking like a Roman. Her facial expression is neutral and she is looking leftward. In her hands she is holding a silver spoon labeled “EQUAL RIGHTS” in capital letters. With the spoon she is stiring (up) a big beige pot, standing on the ground, marked with the word “CITIZENSHIP”. In the bowl you can see many people.The different skin color and wardrobe indicates that they are todifferent origin(s). Most of them are white but there is one black-skinned man as well.
    Quellen meiner Änderungen im obigen Text: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_(Personifikation) und http://www.studymode.com/essays/The-Mor…''-1082836.html

    The most striking person is a man standing on the left with a bloody knife (and the) in one hand and a green convolute flag with the words ”Clan na Gael”, which is Irish , in the other one. On account of his straight position and expression he seems to be ready for battle. His mouth is wide open, as if he is shouting.

    Around the pot there is the silhoute of flames in beige. The background is kept simple in light grey.

    On the left edge at the bottom in the picture you can read the signature of the drawer: C.J. Taylor. (in dem Bild, das sich per Link oben öffnet, ist das nicht zu sehen...)

    Under the cartoon the following information is written: A 1889 cartoon portraying the American melting pot. (auch das sehe ich nicht... Die Originalunterschrift lautet: "The Mortar of Assimilation and the One Element that Won't Mix".)

    The term melting pot describes the development of the American society. In the past America was populated by immigrants of many different nationalities. But with the time people have grown together, so that the differences have disappeared between the cultures.
    In the cartoon the drawer showed several allusions to the so called melting pot .
    The most obvious hint is the big vessel. It is emphasized through the word citzenship and the different looking people in the pot. Consequently there is not THE typical American, because the population is a motley crew. Through the illustration is elucidated, that every immigrant has got his / her cultural identity and the same citzenship can’t disperse it.
    A special group of Americans, the Afroamericans, are represented by the black-skinned man. In spite of abolition of slavery the Afroamericans were discriminated (against) and didn’t have the same rights like white people until the middle of the 20th century. So theoretical everyone is equal, but in fact some people are more equal than others. For that reason the letters EQAUL RIGHTS written on the spoon is hypocritical.

    Another striking thing in the picture is the big woman, dressed like a Roman but with the American flag around her hips. In this way the creator expresses that the American constitution is based on the ancient Roman constitution because the Roman Republic is one of the oldest democracies right after the ancient Greeks.

    Thereby the cartoonist draws a parallel between the former Roman Republic and The United States. Certainly they have a lot in common. For example the Roman Empire was a superpower just like America. The Roman Empire covered a wide area with a lot of provinces and colonies. That’s why the Roman population consisted of people who belonged to different cultures and nationalities, united by the Roman Republic. Figuratively the language was the first melting pot in history.

    In addition both nations owed their suggess among other things to their military power. Thanks to their strong armee the Romans were able to conquer many territories and the American as a former British Colonie won the Revolutionary War agait the British.
    However appart from the foreign-policy triumphs both world powers had domestic political problems like civil wars.

    One example for of a civil war is shown in the picture: the man with the bloody knife and the Clan na Gael-flag. Clan na Gael was the name of an Irish Republican organization in the United States in the late 19th and 20th century, which (bezogen auf organization) was involved in the American Civil War. So it is an allusion to the War of Secession and reminds the viewers that they should not take civil rights and equality for granted, because the ancestors had to fight for it.

  • Zum Inhaltlichen: Deine Interpretation schießt völlig am Ziel vorbei:

    1) die Frau trägt keinen "römischen" Lorbeerkranz, sondern einen Kranz aus Getreide; dazu ein Kopftuch mit der Schrift Columbia.

    2)sie trägt auch keine Toga sondern ein weißes Kleid und die am.Flagge, die "schürzenähnlich" umgebunden ist.
    Sie ist also die Alma Mater, die "nährende Mutter"; ein Sinnbild Amerikas

    3. Ihr Gesichtsausdruck ist alles andere als neutral: sie schaut direkt auf den Iren mit einem zornigen Ausdruck.

    So nun dein Text:(in Fluffys Korrektur):

    The term melting .....different looking people in the pot. Consequently there is not THE typical American, because the population is a motley crew. Through the illustration is elucidated (kein Komma) that every immigrant has got his / her cultural identity and the same citzenship can’t disperse it. (1) ....In spite of THE abolition of slavery the Afroamericans were discriminated ... So THEORETICALLY everyone is equal, but in fact some people are more equal than others. For that reason the letters EQAUL RIGHTS written on the spoon is hypocritical. (2)

    Another striking thing in the picture is the big woman, dressed like a Roman (3)but with the American flag around her hips. In this way the creator expresses that the American constitution is based on the ancient Roman constitution because the Roman Republic is one of the oldest democracies right after the ancient Greeks.
    Thereby the cartoonist draws a parallel between the former Roman Republic and The United States. Certainly they have a lot in common. For example the Roman Empire was a superpower just like America. (5)

    In addition both nations owed their suCCess among other things to their military power. Thanks to their strong ARMY the Romans were able to conquer many territories and the American as a former British Colonie won the Revolutionary War agaiNSt the British.
    However appart from the foreign-policy triumphs both world powers had domestic political problems like civil wars. (6)

    One example for of a civil war is shown in the picture: the man with the bloody knife and the Clan na Gael-flag. (7) ....

    (1) sachlich falsch: Die Idee des "melting pot" blieb bis nach dem 1.Weltkrieg erhalten! Hier werden die verschied. europäischen Nationen (+ Juden + Slaven(Afrikaner?) gezeigt, wie sie zum "American
    Man" durch die "Equal Rights" auf dem Rührlöffel (=ladle, nicht spoon) vereinigt werden; (nur der Ire widersetzt sich!

    (2) wie schon bei (1) gesagt: Unsinn!

    (3) wie schon eingangs erwähnt: falsch!

    (4) wenn einmal auf der falschen Fährte ist, vergallopiert man sich: du befindest dich hier im luftleeren Raum der Spinnerei /Spekulation: die Amerik. Verfassung hat mit der Oligarchen-"Demokratie" der Römer absolut nichts am Hut.

    (5) NEIN!!! Die USA waren Ende des 19. JHs keine "Supermacht" ; ihr Ziel war es, sich aus Europa herauszuhalten, "America for the Americans": also gemeinsame Stärkung der amerik. Staaten unter Einfluss Washingtons. Zu Supermacht stiegen sie erst zwangsweise nach dem 1.WK auf - mit Wilson Völkerbundsplan, mit der Konkurrenzsituation zur SU.

    (6) du hast hier jeder Bodenhaftung, also den Bezug zum Cartoon verloren!! Ab in die Tonne.

    (7) Nöö; lies hierzu:http://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/cgi/viewconten…ola_ug_research

    Du hast noch übersehen, dass der Ire eine Schärpe mit der Aufschrift "Blaine Irishman" trägt:

    "blain" ist (med.) der Pickel; "James Gillespie Blaine" war in den 1880'ern mehrfach Präsidentschaftskandidat und Außenminister; ob hier ein Bezug ist, weiß ich nicht.

    Die Fehler, die übersehen bzw. von Ratgeber Fluffy hineinverbessert wurde kann ich zeitlich jetzt nicht mehr korrigieren.

    In dem von mir zitierten Text von dir habe ich Korrekturen durch Großbuchstaben gekennzeichnet.

    BEACHTE: Die Unterschrift unter dem Cartoon lautet: "The Mortar of Assimilation - an The One Element That Won't Mix": Der Schwerpunkt liegt doch eindeutig auf der Kritik an den Einwanderungsiren - an ihrem Wesen / ihrer Religiösität (Katholizismus --- vor dessen Auswüchsen ja die meisten US-Einwanderer aus Europa geflohen waren) / ihr Gefühl für Abgrenzung u. Clanbildung .

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Flo (10. Februar 2014 um 11:42)