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    Aborigines Today

    As of 2001, the Aboriginal population had grown to more than 400,000, and it was expected to rise to 470,000 by 2006 [sources: The New York Times, Australian Bureau of Statistics]. But that's still only 2 percent of the population of all of Australia. And although things are improving, there are still glaring inequalities between the races.
    For the Aborigines who live in the major cities of Australia, alcoholism and violence are a way of life. Most Aborigines are very poor and have a very low standard of living. Aboriginal Elders are attempting to change violent tendencies in young men by taking them to one of many sacred sites and teaching them the ancient ways of their people. The educational system, which was once segregated, is now open to Aboriginal children, who are encouraged to attend. However, many Aboriginal children drop out at a young age.
    The Aborigines who continue to live in the rural areas of Australia -- or the outback -- have tried to keep as much of their tradition and history alive as they can. Australians have attempted to build houses and other types of shelter for them. But for the most part, Aborigines use these structures only for storage.

    An Aborgine in a modern train station in Sydney, Australia. Many Aborigines live in modern, large cities.
    Paul Souders/Getty Images
    Many of these traditional Aborigines are also trying to spread their history to the members of their race who seem to have lost it. They've hired teachers to train students in the traditional Aboriginal languages. Even a few radio and TV stations feature only Aboriginal programming to educate the generations that have had no prior experience with their culture.

    Aborigines create many works of art and sell them around the world.
    Penny Tweedle/Getty Images
    And of course, there's Aboriginal art. Their art is world famous, and many Aborigines make a living off selling their pieces. Traditionally, they view art much like their dreamings: sacred and secret. Only a select few people, after reaching a proper level of knowledge of Aboriginal history, are permitted to see the artwork. In recent years, though, that's changed, so some artists can make money to support themselves and their families.
    Aboriginal art comes many media: paintings, beadwork, woodwork, bark paintings and baskets. Aborigines also make and sell the most famous item to come out of Australia: the boomerang. But some art can't be sold -- it's on the walls of caves. A famous Australian landmark, Ayers Rock, is one such place. It's an Aboriginal sacred site named Uluru, located near the center of Australia. The rock covers a series of caves. Within those caves are walls and walls of paintings done by the Aborigines to illustrate their dreamings. While people visit Ayers Rock and see the paintings, there's still no way to know what they mean. And the Aborigines, for the time being, are keeping it a secret.

    (Quelle: http://people.howstuffworks.com/aborigine5.htm)

    Aufgabe 1a)

    Which of the following questions does the text (probably) answer?

    Are Aboriginals today equal to the Whites? (Mein Ergebnis:yes)
    When and how did the first Aborigines come to Australia? (no)
    What are major problems Aborigines are facing today? (yes)
    Where do most Aborigines live today? (yes)
    What was the first meeting between Aborigines and Europeans like? (no)
    How do Aboriginals tell other Aborigines about their history? (yes)
    What is said about Aboriginal art? (yes)
    What are the important aspects of Aboriginal tradition (???)
    What's the weather like in the Australian outback? (no)
    What is the most famous Australian type of art? (yes)


    Read the first two paragraphs of the text carefully. Tick off whether the following statements are correct or not. Correct the false ones.

    a) Two percent of all Australians are Aborigines (Mein Ergebnis: correct)

    b) Gambling is part of the Aboriginals' way of life today. (Mein Ergebnis: not correct)
    Korrektur: For the Aborigines who live in the major cities of Australia, violence and alcoholism are a way of life.

    c) The Aboriginals' standard of living is equal of the Whotes' standard. (Mein Ergebnis: not correct)
    Korrektur: Most Aborigines are very poor and have a very low standard of living. There are inequalties between the races.

    d) One way of leading Aboriginal young men away from violence is to show the their peoples's sacred sites.
    (Mein Ergebnis: correct)

    e) Aboorignal and white puplis have always been taught in interracial classes. (Mein Ergebnis: not correct)
    Korrektur: The eduacational system was segreated, therefore Aborigines and whites were taught separately.

    f) Aboriginal children and white children can go to the same classes today. (Mein Ergebnis: correct)

    g) Many Aborignal puplis leave school without a diploma. (Mein Ergebnis: correct)

    Aufgabe 1c)

    Your German friend is very interested in Aboriginal art. Read the last two paragraphs carefully. Then answer the following questions with the
    information from those paragraphes (in German).

    1) Können Aborigines vom Verkauf ihrer Kunstwerke leben?
    Ja, einige können vom Verkauf ihrer Kunstwerke leben.

    2) Das ist nicht immer so gewesen, oder? Was war früher anders?
    Das war nicht immer so, früher durften nur auserwählter Personen mit einem hohen Wissensstand über die Geschichte der Aborigines, deren Kunstwerke sehen.

    3) Wird auch was über Boomerangs gesagt? Wenn ja, was?
    Es wird gesagt, dass Aborigines auch Boomerangs herstellen und verkaufen, um aus Australien wegzukommen. Der Boomerang ist der berühmteste Gegenstand der Aborigines.

    4) Hat der Ayers Rock auch was mit Kunst zu tun? Wenn ja, was gibt es dort?
    Ja, der Ayers Rock hat auch was mit Kunst zu tun. Dort gibt es Höhlen, deren Wände voll sind mit Malerein der Aborigines.

    5) Was bedeuten die verschiedenen Kunstwerke?
    Die Kunstwerke drücken die Träume der Aborigines aus. Die Aborigines bewahren die Bedeutung der Kunstwerke als Gehemnis auf.

    Sind meine Ergebnisse korrekt, was kann man verbessern und wie?