Wer kann mir den text kurz verbessern bzw. mir event. weitere Tipps geben ( ich möchte event. noch ausdrücken das ich mit der Politik - also mit Bush - nicht zufrieden bin. ... also quasi ich fahre nur deshalb dort hin auf Urlaub weil ich das Land Liebe und nicht die Poltik etc.)
Were the summers usually all the same or did you do different things each year?
This summer I was only at home because I will spend my money for my new flat /apartment and my next holiday trip to australia in decembre . Now I will tell you about my last trip to America two years ago.
In Summer 2005 I travelled to america for one month. It was my third time in this country. At first I flyied ( flyied…richtig geschrieben…?) allone to San Francisco. Than I joined to a travel group. The name of the group/tour operator was Trek America.
The average age of the travel's group amounted to about 25 years.
At first we stay a few days in San Francisco. Than we start with the trip through america. I saw many different cities. Now some examples for cities : Chicago, New York, Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Washington D.C.
The landscape was also very nice. I visited many different National Parks there. For example: Yellowstone N.P, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley and the Everglades. But the most beautiful National Park was the Carlsbad Caverns N.P. It was so popular because in the evening thousends of Mexican bads fly from the cave for a night of feasting on insects. You can view this exciting spectacle from the outdoor amphitheater . it was with distance one of the beautifully experiences on my route. I believe you would have also oder 1 believe you also have fun with it? (??? – ich glaube das hätte euch allen sehr gefallen).
I can only recommend a trip to this country because you have so much fun.
It`s a experience for ever. You can Wilderness hiking, whitewater rafting, horse riding, canoe trips, and so on…